
We would like to express our gratitude to the following individuals and organizations for their valuable contributions and resources used in the creation of this website:

Website Logo Credits: Our website logo is taken from Flaticon at the below link.

Android icons created by Pixel perfect – Flaticon

Images and Icons

  • Unsplash: Stunning and high-quality images used throughout the website. Special thanks to the talented photographers who have made their work available for use under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license.
  • Flaticon: Beautiful icons used in various sections of the website. Icons are designed by talented artists and provided under the Flaticon Basic License.


  • Google Fonts: A wide range of free and open-source fonts used on this website. We appreciate the efforts of the font designers and Google Fonts for making these fonts accessible to everyone.

Code Libraries and Frameworks

  • Android SDK: The official Android Software Development Kit provided by Google, which serves as the foundation for developing Android applications.
  • Bootstrap: A popular front-end framework used to create a responsive and visually appealing layout for the website.

External Resources and References

  • Android Developer Documentation: Official documentation and guides provided by the Android development community, which served as a valuable resource in creating the content on this website.
  • Stack Overflow: An online community of developers who generously share their knowledge and expertise. Various threads and answers from Stack Overflow have been referenced in the creation of this website.

Please note that all credits listed above are provided for informational purposes and to acknowledge the contributions of the respective creators. The use of any resources does not imply endorsement or affiliation with the individuals or organizations mentioned.

If you believe that any credits have been missed or attributed incorrectly, please don’t hesitate to contact us so that we can promptly rectify the situation.

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